
Human Factor Engineering + AI

Research Areas

Cognitive Ergonomics

The International Ergonomics Association (IEA) defines cognitive ergonomics as being “concerned with mental processes, such as perception, memory, reasoning, and motor response, as they affect interactions among humans and other elements of a system.” Relevant topics in this area include mental workload, decision-making, skilled performance, human-computer interaction, human reliability, work stress and training as these may relate to human-system design.

Biomechanics and Work Physiology

Biomechanics and work physiology are disciplines within the field of Physical Ergonomics which IEA defines as being “concerned with human anatomical, anthropometric, physiological and biomechanical characteristics as they relate to physical activity.” The form of biomechanics practiced in the Center for Ergonomics is consistent with what is commonly referred to as “Functional Biomechanics”. It was defined by Frankel and Nordin (1980) as using “laws of physics and engineering concepts to describe motion undergone by the various body segments, and the forces acting on these body parts during normal daily activities.”


Research at the Center for Ergonomics is concerned also with the development of frameworks, methods, and models for analyzing and preventing mishaps and complex system failures in a variety of domains. Using a systems approach and/or epidemiology, we examine the contribution of cognitive/perceptual, technological, and organizational factors to incidents and accidents. The overall goal of this work is to develop tools that help prevent and manage erroneous actions by end users as well as increase resilience and create a safety culture at all levels of an organization.

Recent Publications


Du, Na and Zhou, Feng and Pulver, Elizabeth and Tilbury, Dawn and Robert, Lionel and Pradhan, Anuj and Yang, Jessie, Examining the Effects of Emotional Valence and Arousal on Takeover Performance in Conditionally Automated Driving (January 12, 2020).


Du, Na & Tilbury, Dawn & Robert, Lionel & Zhou, Feng & Pradhan, Anuj & Pulver, Elizabeth & Yang, X. Jessie. (2020). Predicting Takeover Performance in Conditionally Automated Driving.


Georgarakis, A.M., Sonar, H.A., Rinderknecht, M.D., Popp, W.L., Duarte, J.E., Lambercy, O., Paik, J., Martin, B.J., Riener, R., and Klamroth-Marganska, V. “Age-dependent asymmetry of wrist position sense is not influenced by stochastic tactile stimulation.” Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2020.


Kostyniuk, Lidia P., and Clive R. D’souza. “Effect of Passenger Encumbrance and Mobility Aid Use on Dwell Time Variability in Low-Floor Transit Vehicles.” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 132, 2020, pp. 872–881.


Lim, Sol, and Clive D’souza. “A Narrative Review on Contemporary and Emerging Uses of Inertial Sensing in Occupational Ergonomics.” International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, vol. 76, 2020, p. 102937.


Manary, M.A., Flannagan, C.A., Reed, M.P., Orton, N.R., and Klinich, K.D. “Effects of Child Restraint Misuse on Dynamic Performance.” Traffic Injury Prevention, 20:8. 860-865, 2020.

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Author image John Rockefeller Standard Oil Co.

Excepturi nam cupiditate culpa doloremque deleniti repellat. Veniam quos repellat voluptas animi adipisci. Nisi eaque consequatur. Voluptatem dignissimos ut ducimus accusantium perspiciatis. Quasi voluptas eius distinctio. Atque eos maxime.

Author image Andrew Carnegie Carnegie Steel Co.

Repellat dignissimos libero. Qui sed at corrupti expedita voluptas odit. Nihil ea quia nesciunt. Ducimus aut sed ipsam. Autem eaque officia cum exercitationem sunt voluptatum accusamus. Quasi voluptas eius distinctio. Voluptatem dignissimos ut.

Author image John Morgan JP Morgan & Co.

Excepturi nam cupiditate culpa doloremque deleniti repellat. Veniam quos repellat voluptas animi adipisci. Nisi eaque consequatur. Voluptatem dignissimos ut ducimus accusantium perspiciatis. Quasi voluptas eius distinctio. Atque eos maxime.

Author image Henry Ford Ford Motor Co.

Continuing Education

We are providing instruction and development to professional ergonomists, engineers, and designers in private industry through a variety of continuing education courses. Custom course development is another service offered by the Center for Ergonomics. Please contact us to discuss your needs. Recent courses have included Ergonomic Principles for Workplace Assessment and Design, Updates in Occupational Health Nursing, and Comprehensive Industrial Hygiene Review.

Outreach & Service

The 3D Static Strength Prediction Program™ software predicts static strength requirements for tasks such as lifts, presses, pushes, and pulls. The program provides an approximate job simulation that includes posture data, force parameters and male/female anthropometry. Output includes the percentage of men and women who have the strength to perform the described job, spinal compression forces, and data comparisons to NIOSH guidelines. The user can analyze torso twists and bends and make complex hand force entries. Analysis is aided by an automatic posture generation feature and three dimensional human graphic illustrations. 3D SSPP software can be used as an aid in the evaluation of the physical demands of a prescribed job. Furthermore, the 3D SSPP can aid the analyst in evaluating proposed workplace designs and redesigns prior to the actual construction or reconstruction of the workplace or task. The program is applicable to worker motions in three dimensional space.